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Creating smiles in the Silver Lake area for over 25 years


Post Operative Care

Instructions for crown, bridge, inlays, or onlays:

  • While wearing a temporary crown or bridge, limit eating as much as possible. Sticky foods and chewing gum should be avoided.
  • Your gum may be tender for several days. Please contact our office if any pain persists beyond two days.
  • Call us right away if your temporary restoration becomes loose or breaks. It’s imperative that your teeth do not shift during this time period until your final restoration is fitted.
  • Use care when cleaning around the restoration. We may suggest that you skip flossing around the area, or if permitted, pull the floss carefully to the side to avoid disrupting the restoration.

After your restoration is complete –

  • Chewing hard foods within the first 24 hours of your restoration can jeopardize its strength. Stay away from ice, sticky or chewy candy, and hard foods like nuts.
  • You may experience sensitivity to hot or cold foods, although it will dissipate after a few weeks. If you experience sensitivity for more than six weeks, please let us know.

Instructions following scaling and root planing:

Considered to be a deep cleaning of the teeth and gums, scaling and root planing is a process which removes plaque and tartar below the gum line. The effect is a reduction in inflammation and allows your gums to reattach to the root surface. You’ll also experience more effective brushing and flossing following this procedure.

For the first 24 hours –

  • Avoid using a straw, smoking, or consuming alcohol for at least 48 hours.
  • Allow your body to rest and recover, and specifically avoid vigorous physical exercise.
  • Use caution when eating, as spicy foods and hot temperatures may cause discomfort.

Tips for recovery –

  • A diet of soft foods for the first few days will likely be most comfortable and aid in healing.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever for any discomfort.
  • Use a warm salt water rinse, one teaspoon per 8 oz of water, three times per day.
  • You can gently brush and floss for the first few days, then can resume normal oral care once any soreness is gone.
  • If prescribed, rinse with Peridex at least 30 seconds twice a day.

You’ll notice your gums healing as swelling goes down, bleeding becomes more sparse, and they take on a pink color.

Instructions for new denture wearers:

Proper care for your dentures or partials is essential for your comfort and the functionality of your bite. Keep in mind the following information when adjusting:

  • It’s normal to go through an adjustment phase with your dentures. Some patients experience discomfort, speech problems, or sore spots as they get used to their dentures. We will work with you during follow up visits to adjust your bite and help you acclimate.
  • Your dentures need thorough cleaning just like the rest of your mouth. Use a denture brush and toothpaste every day, and be sure to brush the roof of your mouth, gums, and tongue. You can also soak your dentures once per week to keep them clean.
  • Partials with metal clasps should be inserted and removed with care. Clean and care for them in the same way you would your natural teeth.
  • Visit our office annually to have your dentures checked. Bone loss and tooth wear can happen over time, and these changes might cause your dentures to fit poorly if they aren’t examined regularly.

Your dentures or partials will last you many years with the proper cleaning and care. Keep in mind that poorly fitting dentures may cause pain and can even lead to bone loss or oral disease. Please call our office if your dentures are creating any discomfort.

Instructions following extractions:

  • Place pressure on the gauze pad covering the extraction site for one hour after surgery. If bleeding persists, continue pressure for an additional 45 minutes with new gauze. A cold compress will also help with swelling. Use for 20 minutes, then remove for 10 minutes and repeat.
  • Refrain from using a straw, spitting, or rinsing your mouth. Do not eat or drink hot foods or beverages, and stay away from carbonated beverages.
  • Do not brush your teeth prior to surgery. You may resume normal home care after the extraction with gentle brushing and flossing.
  • It’s normal to experience some bruising, swelling, and pain. You may take an over-the-counter pain reliever if needed.
  • For two to three days after the extraction, eat soft foods including soups, fruit juice, yogurt, and milkshakes.
  • Do not bite your lips, cheeks, or scrape your gums, as soft tissue damage and pain will result.

Instructions following fillings:

  • Avoid eating for at least one hour after your visit, or until numbness goes away.
  • Do not bite your lips, cheeks, or scrape your gums, as soft tissue damage and pain will result.
  • Soreness and sensitivity to hot and cold should subside within a few days.

Instructions following root canal treatment:

  • Do not bite hard for one hour following your appointment, as the filling on your tooth is temporary. Once the permanent filling is in place, use care to chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
  • Take your prescribed medication for any discomfort.
  • Do not bite your lips, cheeks, or scrape your gums, as soft tissue damage and pain will result.
  • Soreness and sensitivity to hot and cold should subside within a few days.
  • Use care to gently brush and floss at home.